Courts -Corporate Credit Line- Application A1

🚩 Interest Free for 90days.

🚩 2% per month penalty interest applicable thereafter

🚩 Weekly, Fortnightly, Bi-Monthly or Monthly installments recommended

⁎ Please complete the Credit application form below and our COURTS CREDIT TEAM will contact you within 2-3 working days.

Apply for Vision Commercial Consumer Credit Line Option Now.

* Mandatory

IT IS AGREED Vision Commercial will supply and hire the Goods and the Customer will take them on hire upon the following terms and conditions.

Business Address

      Retention of Title

  1. Property in the goods shall pass to the Customer when full payment for the goods has been received by Vision Commercial.
  2. Vision Commercial may, without prejudice to any of its rights, retake and resume possession of the goods which remain the property of Vision Commercial and may for that purpose enter the Customer's premises or any other place where goods may be upon the occurrence of the following events :
        1. The Customer commences proceedings for voluntary winding up or is placed in Winding –up by any other Creditor;
        2. The Customer becomes insolvent or commits an act of bankruptcy or makes an assignment for the benefit of a creditor;
        3. The Customer makes two successive defaults of payments, or a default in respect of the last payment and Vision Commercial has served the notice in terms of section 163 (1) (b) of the Act and the time period fixed by the notice under the Act has expired; or
        4. The Customer is in breach of any of the terms & conditions of the agreement and in fully repaying any or all trade or 30 day accounts outstanding for more than 30 days.
  1. For the purposes of point 2 herein, the Customer hereby consents to Vision Commercial, by itself or by its agents or employees entering its premises to retake possession of the goods.
  2. I/We irrevocably authorize Vision Commercial as an approved credit report recipient, to conduct the necessary enquiries and/or verifications to help qualify my/our credit application including a credit opinion if required from any approved credit reporting agency that may have financial information about me/us.
  3. In terms of your initial term approval of : 30 or 60 or 90Days 'interest free’, a penalty interest rate of 2.00% per month is applicable thereafter.
  4. I/We indemnify and irrevocably authorise Vision Commercial to engage in and retain electronically executed copies of the document/s at my/our convenience, which shall be enforceable in any proceeding against me/us and that the original has been provided.
“I/We declare that the credit to be provided to me/us by the credit provider is to be applied wholly or predominantly for business or investment purposes (or for both purposes)”.
You should not sign this declaration unless this loan is wholly or predominantly for business investment purposes (or for both purposes). By signing this declaration you may lose your protection under the Consumer Credit Act 1999.
Name of Director (s) or Authorised Signatories: I/We undertake to pay all our Trade Credit Line & subsequent purchases within the 30-90Days timeframe as approved and fully agree to the above terms & conditions.

Names of REFEREES:

Bank Relationship Manager
Legal Counsel
Company Trade Referee

Please enclose copies of the following Documentations:

You may contact us on Phone: 2281333 / 9981177 or Email:

THANK YOU for your patronage!

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